Category Archives: Blog

Current Events at EJK Accounting & Tax

05.10 2016

IRS Workshops for Non-profits

In an effort to provide better access to popular workshops, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has posted virtual versions of workshops on their website. The most recent installment focuses on tax compliance for exempt organizations including small to medium-sized 501(c)3 organizations.

Lessons include topics such as how to apply for 501(c)3 status, 990 overview course, and hiring employees. They are designed to help both new and pre-existing organizations. The IRS also offers certificates of attendance to encourage comprehensive education around a variety of topics.

04.15 2016

Breakfast for Rebuilding

Rebuilding Seattle TogetherRebuilding Together Seattle Website (RTS) will host their third annual breakfast fundraiser on Wednesday, May 4th, 2016. You’ll hear from RTS’ CEO, and Seattle Seahwaks Emcee, Tony Ventrella. Proceeds will support RTS’ efforts to provide safe and healthy housing to every person by providing free home repairs to low-income homeowners and nonprofit facilities. Join us and learn more about RTS’ efforts to revitalize your community, and how you can get involved.

Safe and Healthy Homes Breakfast
Grand Hyatt Seattle
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
7:30 to 8:30 am

02.17 2016

Viva Vera!

Viva Vera! is happening February 20th, 2016Join us this Saturday in celebrating 15 years of innovative arts and music programs with The Vera Project. They’ll be hosting their annual fundraiser at The Triple Door on February 20th, 2016. Enjoy DJ sets from Diogenes and Wizdumb, with live performances by Briana Marela and Crater. Proceeds will ensure the Vera Project will continue to transform the Seattle through collaborative, youth-driven engagement in music and art.

Buy tickets here, and learn more about the Vera Project here. EJK is proud to be part of the Vera Project family!

11.30 2015

Moving to Ballard

Boat DockOn December 11th, we will say goodbye to our office on Dexter and move to Ballard! We will be closed on Friday the 11th for the move – computers and phones will be down. Our new address is:

4055 21st Ave W, Suite 202
Seattle, WA 98199

We look forward to some new amenities in Ballard, including lots of yummy lunch options, new neighbors, and great coffee shops. Come visit us in the new year to see our new place!

08.06 2015

Non-profit Audit Tips

Audits are never fun, but being prepared can help relieve a ton of pressure. Start prepping early so you can be ready when the auditor arrives. Talk to your accounting and administrative staff and get them working on the items below. Being prepared can help save you time and money!

Get prepared

  • Ask your auditor for a list of documents to gather. This is the best place to start. Review the list, see what you need to gather, and estimate how much time you need to do so. Wait to pick an audit date until you have an idea of how long it will take you to gather items and work on the additional items below.
  • Review a detail of income and expense transactions. Take a quick look at the prior years’ transactions to catch any miscoded or mis-classed items.
  • Gather donor information. Donors who gave $5,000 or more during the year will be reported on the 990. Make sure you have donor names and addresses to provide to the auditor.
  • Double check what’s sitting in grants receivable. Gather information regarding multi-year loans, and confirm any grants received from the prior closed year properly offset the grants receivable account.
  • Double check all liabilities. Confirm that ending balances for loans, accrued PTO, and other payroll liabilities are correct.
  • Make sure prior year ending balances match prior year return. Double check that account beginning balances match the ending balances for the prior year’s 990.

If you need help preparing for your audit, contact our office today!